Welcome to Tina Brigley Coaching, a place where powerhouse professionals come to break free from self-sabotage and unleash unstoppable confidence.

If you find yourself caught in cycles of habits that hinder your personal or professional growth, you're not alone.

Our expert team is here to guide you through a transformative journey, providing tools and strategies to identify and overcome self-sabotaging patterns. Together, we'll navigate the challenges, cultivate resilience, and empower you to create your best self!  

Discover the 3 Reasons Why You Are Self-Sabotaging and How to Fix That Today!  

I want to End Self-Sabotage Today! Tina show me how!

Self sabotage can be subtle or overt and you can catch it before it takes over.

Do you have:

  • Persistent anxious feelings             
  • Mood swings
  • Relationship struggles
  • Increase substance use 

Are all underlying symptoms of self-sabotage. 

You know what to do, you just aren't doing it. It's time you discover why so that you can get back on track and be your badass self again!

We get it! There comes a pivotal moment in your life when you ask yourself the powerful question- "Why am I setting myself up for failure?"

If you are there, it's time to go within. 

If I told you that I could help you stop self-sabotaging your efforts so that you can have unstoppable confidence to own who you are and amplify your results in ,life and business would you take me up on that offer? 

Let's Talk

You are a powerhouse and lately you've had the experience of coming unhinged and forgetting who you are!

Are you really satisfied with a "fine" life? Health? Finances? Or do you want to release the old patterns and beliefs keeping you putting on your brakes?

Breaking through your personal limitations is not exhausting or extra work you "need" to take on. Sometimes it is as simple as understanding your sabotaging patterns and getting committed to new habits and patterns that are aligned with who you are today. 

If I told you that in 90 days or less you could understand the habits and patterns that keep you self-sabotaging and eliminate them forever, would you take me up on that offer? 

Accessing a deeper understanding of yourself is essential to getting next level results. Breakthroughs in self sabotage and deeply understanding your patterns produces next level results guaranteed!

Yes! I want Unstoppable Confidence to bust through my sabotage

Be a Part of a Community of Ambitious Women  

Busting Through Self-Sabotage and Becoming Unstoppable in Life and Business. 

Personal development is an empowering journey. Journey with the right community of high achievers and action takers who aren't afraid to look within themselves to unlock their highest potential.  

Join Our Community

Hi I'm Tina Brigley

I may not boast 7 or 8 figures, and I'll readily admit, life's intricate puzzle isn't completely solved for me either. But here's what I adamantly believe: Discovering self-sabotaging patterns and committing to eliminating them is the only way to breakthrough personal limitations and get next level results.

How do I know this?

Because I've been there. In 2016 I was literally living my dream life. I was in the best shape, I had a thriving business, I lived in my dream home and was traveling the world. Things could not get any better! Until I self-sabotaged.

My 6 figure business dwindled to a 10K a year business. I gained 30 pounds, I sold my house and went back with my ex-husband because the fear of the unknown was way too much for me to handle on my own. 

I created success again to the point of reaching 7 figure business success in the middle of a pandemic and at the height of success I walked away- again! 

In 2021 I reached my breaking point. I knew, deep within my soul, that something had to change. I finally saw that self- sabotage was reinforcing a belief that "Life has to be hard." 

After years of relentless personal development and unwavering commitment to growth, I experienced an epiphany: Self-sabotage is the only thing getting in the way of next level results. Procrastination; Fear; Not Enoughness; Hanging on to the past is all self-sabotage and an unconscious protection mechanism keeping people in their comfort zone. Discover the patterns change your life.

Ask yourself this question: Am I truly happy or just comfortable? When you listen you will know the answer. 

Today, I live a life of my own deliberate creation and catch sabotage quickly! 

My mission is to guide powerful women like you to see the subtle and maybe overt ways you are self-sabotaging your life and business and give you the tools to eliminate it before it's too late. Unstoppable confidence is the name of the game.

I bring to your journey the insights gained through extensive experiences and investments exceeding $200,000 in personal growth, so that you can navigate this path with greater ease.

If you are a, powerhouse professional, who knows you are self-sabotaging your success and want to shift your habits and patterns to make room for next level results, I can't wait to have a conversation with you.

Let's take on this transformational journey together!




What My Clients Are Saying: