Exposed: The Dark Secrets Of Coaching Gurus

Jul 21, 2023
Coach controlling clients

 " Unveiling the Hidden Reality They Don't Want You to Know About Growing a Business"

Are you feeling like you are stuck in online noise? 📢


Do you have every expert under the sun saying that their "proven" method is the right one. 😕 In their defense, it was for them years ago. And then they marketed the shit out their method and rose to the top with their $100K ad spend budget.


(Facebook ads, Facebook group, Youtube, SEO, Opt-ins, Funnels, On-line events, off-line events, appointment setting, Instagram shout outs, PR and marketing, sales strategy, TikTok, Pinterest, content, story telling, podcasts, summits, email list building, branding, ....should I go on?)


Maybe your inbox is flooded with messages, "I can 2x your ROI and book you 10-20 qualified leads a week" or "Hey Tina. What is your big goal for 2023 and your biggest challenge?"

I know....I've done this too.


Let me ask you this:

How long have you been looking outside of yourself for solutions?

When will you stop the noise and listen to your heart and intuition?

The gurus will say and do what ever it takes: Remortgage your house, get a loan, sell your first born 😂


And....what they aren't telling you is the majority of coaches that spend thousands a month on solutions without an audience, authority or clarity they will not survive in this industry- and it won't matter how much money they spend on their solution.


They will find the few testimonials of people it worked for and give you false hope that it will work for you too- without knowing you OR your current situation. And, coaches will continue to buy mechanisms because they are sold on a dream, "What will it be like to be traveling the world with freedom and ease and doing what you love?"


👎🏻 Connecting with people on Linkedin with hidden agendas and not being straight with them about your reason for connecting.

I NEED to tell you straight facts so you don't waste your money. Trust me when I say, "I already did that for you! And you are welcome".

These strategies DO NOT WORK!


What does work is not beating around the bush.

I got the best message from someone yesterday, "Hi Tina, My name is X. I am a virtual assistant and I can help you with all the tedious tasks you might not want to do. I can save you time so you can focus on building relationships and sharing your value with the world. Want to connect?"

Damn right I do. I have that problem and I want that solution!!

👎🏻 Hiding and not adding value does not work

So many coaches complain that their business isn't growing and I ask:

"Are you a LEADER online?"

"Are you clear on the problem you solve?"

"Do you add value? Are you consistent?"

When they say, "No. No and No."

Then I ask: Are you willing to do those things and if their answer is no, then I tell them, "Go get a job" And I say it with love.

In this industry you can't be afraid to show up. People want to work with leaders. END OF STORY.

Anyone can lead the way! It takes personal development to get there.

YOU WILL. NOT. DO. IT. ON. YOUR. OWN. How long have you been trying? Your brain keeps you safe. Unleash yourself. Retrain your brain.

Find someone who has already done what you want to do and ask the tough questions:

1. How long did it take to get you to this point in business?

2. What are your challenges?

3. Have you invested in personal development? Do you invest in coaching?

4. You're a millionaire coach- how many people are on your team?

5. How much do you invest in marketing and ads....



👎🏻 Signing up for free webinars and freebies does not work- Unless you are willing to invest in their solution.

People that do webinars are trained to give you enough info to show you how much you don't know so that you will buy their solution. If you don't intend on looking to see if that is the person you want to partner with in your business growth or personal transformation- don't waste your time.

You will do NOTHING with the information. Life will get in the way and you will be no further along.


Do go with the intention that this is a solution worthy of an investment and COMMIT!

Do not wait.

Your brain will hijack you and keep you in information overload or procrastination. Time is money- don't waste any more time. Get committed.

👎🏻 Appointment setters that try and replicate who you are (Does not work- trust me $22,000 later I can say nobody can replace relationship building- not AI or setters)

Until you get consistent flow of revenue coming in and are giving lots of great value and you have a community of people selling to a cold market is a waste of time and resources.

Build relationships yourself.

There are so many ways to do this. SO MANY! Just be consistent and love on people. Give your heart to them. Be generous. Let go of hidden agendas. So many people need you right now. Be the one who sees them and understands their pain. Follow up. Get curious. Ask questions. Be THEIR One.

If you want a customized approach to building your business or you just want a clarity call to help you nail down your action plan let's connect. I don't have all the solutions and I am really great about helping you see what's in your blindspots.

Book Your Clarity Call Here