Knowing What You Want and Unlocking Your Desires is One Hour Away! 


You are educated. You are successful and you have a great life. And You Know Your Heart is Craving More! How long are you going to put your desires on the back burner? 

If I told you that I could support you to answer the question, "What do I want?" in the next HOUR so that you can have an honest conversation with yourself that will have you NOT settling in your life, and have you seeing that change is not as scary as you think...would you take me up on that offer?


Heck Yes! I want to Unlock My Desires NOW!

I created this program because if I had a penny for every time I heard someone say, "I have a really great life, I am happy and have a great relationship but there just seems to be something missing"- well- I'd be a wealthy woman.

If you are feeling like you have pleasures in your life AND feeling a sense of dissatisfaction- you are are not here by chance.


Almost every successful woman goes through a stage in life where she asks, "What's next? What do I WANT now?" and still most will NEVER take action. Will you be the select few that do?


Let me share a glimpse into why this is so important to me. In 2021, my world crumbled. I lost my brother to a devastating drug overdose, my dad to a heart attack, and my nephew followed a similar tragic path. Amidst it all, I faced an upsetting divorce, a disruptive move, and was asked to leave a business I had tirelessly helped build for 2 years. The challenges were immense, and when the shit was hitting the fan I did one thing. 

I asked myself, "What do I want now?"


That question fuelled a burning desire to help women leaders like you find fulfillment outside of their careers and live a created life of joy!


Introducing "Unlocking Your Desires 2.0." This is the exact system me and hundreds of my elite clients have only had access to up until now and I want to give it to you too.


You are successful and accomplished and chances are you already know what to do. The question is, why haven't you taken action yet? 

What's available for you by taking this program?

  • You will answer the question, "What do I want?" and determine your MOFA (motivating factor).
  • You will shine a light on your limiting beliefs, reasons and excuses why you don't have it.
  • You will have a strategy to create a very tailored road map to next level personal fulfillment in your life.

Small hinges swing big doors and that is available for you right now. 

This is a limited time offer. Sure the program will be available after you click off but NOT at this rate. Why? We are only promised right NOW! 

We opened the door, all you get to do is walk through and do the work!

We got you.  

Tina! I want to Unlock My Desires Now!

Tina and Team TBC


Tina! I Want to Unlock My Desires Now!